The 2nd edition of WARS Photography Award starts

From today to the 4th October is possible to submit Photo Stories about either COVID-19 or/and Humanitarian and Environmental crisis. There are a prestigious jury and money prizes.

WARS si back. War and Revolutionary Stories is the photojournalistic contest created by Associazione 46°Parallelo/Atlante delle Guerre e dei Conflitti del Mondo and Montura, with the support of Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino and of Intersos.

WARS is an award dedicated to photojournalists that cover conflicts, crisis and emergencies all over the world, aiming to support professionals in the field. Due to restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic many photojournalists changed their plans for covering the impact of such an emergency. Therefore, it has been decided to add a new category for this edition: in addition to “Humanitarian and Environmental Photo Story”, there is also “COVID-19 Photo Story”. Furthermore, an higher total money prize of 5.000,00 euros, has been designated to the winners of the two categories.

From 21st August to 4th of October, photojournalists, photo reporters and professional photographers from all over the world can submit their works (from 10 to 15 original photos on a single theme) on the online platform Picter. There, all the rules and details of the contest are accessible.

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As in the first edition, also in this second edition the Art Director of the contest is Fabio Bucciarelli, whereas the jury is formed by: Kelli Grant | Yahoo News Senior Photo-editor; Francis Kohn | Former AFP Director; and Laurence Geai | winner of the first edition of WARS in 2019.

The top three classified photo reportages for each of the two categories will have the chance to be exposed in the AtlantePhotoExpo platform and according to the health emergency conditions to be part of an in presence exposition.

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